Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ephesians 5:15-16

"Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (NIV)

Prayer starter:
At first glance, this verse may seem very gloomy, indeed, but it actually gives me great comfort every time I read it. It reminds me that almost 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul already perceived the times to be "evil." Ephesians was written around 62 A.D., and even back then, Paul described how people "have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity" (Romans 1:29). When I get depressed about the state of affairs in the world today and the fact that evil seems everpresent, Paul reminds me that this is nothing new. Evil has had a foothold in the world for centuries, and, yes, it may seem more vile and more glaring in today's age of digital transparency, but mankind has survived all this time in spite of it. And all the while, good things have happened as well. Good people have done good things and committed acts of kindness, humanity, and mercy, oftentimes in direct response to unspeakable acts of evil. Good people "make the most of every opportunity" to do good or to show kindness. They don't wait around for special opportunities to jump in front of them. They think of positive and creative ways to make every opportunity, even the smallest one, an opportunity to live wisely in the eyes of God. Being kind, lending a helping hand, offering a kind word or attentive ear are all great ways to take advantage of the opportunities life presents us with.  
What opportunities do you have in YOUR life today to present and represent the love of Jesus to people around you? Don't shoot for the stars. It's okay to start small. Even a small kindness done in this generally so unkind world can go a long way. It can start a chain reaction that you may never even know about, along the lines of "Pay it forward." Moreover, every kindness and good deed you choose to perform will make you feel more empowered rather than depressed in the face of evil. 

Be Brightly Blessed! 

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